Research: Contact’s Summary of Research on Disability and Poverty

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Why not read Contact’s summary of research on disability and poverty!

This page summarises some of the surveys that Contact have held to understand some of the issues facing families with disabled children.

Disabled parents often face extra costs: a third of families have extra costs because of disability of at least £300 per month.

This is compounded by the difficulties in balancing caring and working for families, a burden which is  part of the explanation of why there are strains on family life - 53% of parents say that caring for a disabled child has caused major difficulties or the breakdown of their relationship. 

52% of families with a disabled child are at risk of experiencing poverty!

Reading this research is key to understanding the most urgent problems facing disabled families. The outcome of this is that existing support is not sufficient for families with disabled children. 

Go on, give it a read!